
Burletta offers the opportunity to discover a new generation of staunchly modern clowns that dare to stray from tradition and the usual clownish antics.
This creation draws from a Pandora’s Box of actions and musical styles in which choreography and precarious balancing acts lead to ever more silly feats.
Five characters continually grapple for the revolutionary power wielded by the absurd. Each individual strives, derisively and insistently, for his or her rightful place in the fraternal union that brings the group together in the end.
Burletta is an Italian term applied to small operas that are mischievous, somewhat malicious and very good-humoured. We retain the air of gentle mockery, parody and a certain outrageousness.
Created by artists from Quebec and Brazil, Burletta is a family of urban clowns that is not standing still. Just as in any large family, each individual competes with derision and insistence to take their rightful place.
A healthy rivalry but never consuming since they share a closeness that makes them supportive of each other. Each wants to take their own place, but not at the expense of others. This does not stop some teasing here and there, quite the contrary! "They are both excessive and tolerant. We worked a lot with each of them with their pride, which affects the ego, but also on their sensitivity to the others." [Christine Rossignol]
The characters try to distinguish themselves somehow in their performances of juggling, balancing acts, diabolo, gymnastics, acrobatics, dance attempts, Chinese plates and whatnot!
"In Burletta there is a unity, a voluntary simplicity. Something tender and happy. It is often madness, but a delicate madness. " [Paul Vachon]


Artistic Director : Paul Vachon
Directors : Michel Dallaire and Christine Rossignol
Performers : Wanderson Damaceno, Dominique Grenier, Joannie Hébert, Véronique Provencher, Karina Werneck Assis
Scenography and costumes : Huguette Lauzé
Original Music : René Lussier
Lighting Designer : Emilie Vachon

Show Details

Created in 2009